Ley Top

Learning Together Produces Success

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As a school we have a duty of care to ensure all of our children are safe. In school we do this by making sure that everyone who comes into the building is suitable for working with children. All staff have named badges. Visitors and contractors sign in before entering the school and are issued with a badge showing their name and photograph.

If we have concerns about the safety of any children, we follow the procedures.

It outlines how we would deal with any issues when we think children may not be safe.

All concerns are recorded and handed to a Designated Safeguarding Leader or Deputy Leader.

Designated Safeguarding Leader/ Deputies at Ley Top Primary School are:

Mrs P Firth– Acting Co-Headteacher. Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Mrs L Herbert – Acting Co-Headteacher. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Mrs L Hammond – Deputy Headteacher. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Mrs S Kelly – Inclusion Manager. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.


If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding, please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leaders.