Ley Top

Learning Together Produces Success

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Sport Funding Grant

Our Vision for PE at Ley Top Primary School
It is our aim at Ley Top Primary to provide the opportunity for our children to safely experience a range of sporting activities for their fun and enjoyment. Through carefully planned PE and sports activities we aim to ensure that all children are happy and enjoy PE, thus raising participation levels both in and out of school and therefore in turn, promoting healthy lifestyles.

We strive to provide high quality PE and sports teaching in both curriculum and after school clubs. We aim to ensure that within their own level of ability all children can achieve and experience success, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential.
We value the benefits of PE and sport to build children’s self-confidence, esteem and self-worth which is character building and essential for our pupil’s development.
We aim to provide opportunities for all children to experience competition at various levels both individually and as part of a team by means of in and out of school competitions. This will hopefully inspire children to participate fully and benefit from all aspects of sport physically, emotionally and socially.

The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark
We are very proud to announce that Ley Top Primary School has been awarded the Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Mark. Having gained the bronze award previously, Ley Top has made great strides in increasing participation in school sports both in after school clubs and local school competitions. The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels of the Mark.

What is the Sports Premium?
The government is providing funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for their children.
Each eligible school will receive £16,000 plus £10 per pupil each year.

Purpose of the Funding
The School Sport Premium money is ring fenced and can only be spent on Physical Education and sport provision in school. Schools will be expected to spend the funding on improving and enhancing their provision of physical education and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how to do this.

Possible uses for the funding include:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside
  • Primary teachers when teaching PE
  • New or additional change4life clubs
  • Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/Sport
  • Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/Sport
  • Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in school games
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/Sport
  • Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs.

How will we spend our allocation at Ley Top?
PE and Sport is important and valued at Ley Top Primary School and this funding will help us to enhance and sustain current and future progression. It is of the upmost importance to us that all children benefit from this sports funding, regardless of sporting ability.

The School is also looking at bringing in an outside company to build an effective PE programme. The goals for this programme will be:

  • CPD for Teachers through joint teaching with coaches
  • Improved PE lessons for all Pupils
  • Increased engagement in PE
  • A significant increase in participation in school competitions (both intra and inter)
  • Pathways into external sporting opportunities through links with community clubs
  • Parental engagement in their child’s PE activity
  • Measurable testing of pupil attainment in PE, helping to highlight both Gifted and talented youngsters and areas of physical literacy which require intervention on a child-by-child basis


A percentage of the School Sports Premium has been used to purchase some new equipment which will be used to develop some of the targeted skill areas identified. We now have some new monkey bars which will help to improve the children’s upper body and core strengths and we have bought 2 new permanent outdoor table tennis tables which will develop hand eye co-ordination.

Out of School Experiences
As part of our commitment to giving our pupils new skills and experiences we offer annual residentials to year 4. In the past this has included Ullswater, Howtown, Whitby, Boggle Hole, Nell Bank, Robinwood and London. It is now embedded every year that year 4 go to Robinwood for a 2 day experience. The year 4 trip includes activities such as archery and problem solving games and introduces the children to outward bound experiences such as climbing and caving. 

In a previous year we were fortunate enough to be able to take 8 keen cricketers to the Headingley test match between England and India. This was done through our involvement in the Drax Cricket competition in which we were able to field 2 teams due to the popularity of cricket in years 3 and 4.

What competitions are we involved in?
Ley Top Primary School is working closely with the West Bradford School Games Network to involve our children in competitive sports competitions. The West Bradford Sports Games Network is a cluster of Schools who compete in many different sports throughout the academic year. These competitions are organised by Mike Tetley, the Sports Games organiser (SGO) who is based at Thornton Grammar School.

The objectives of the School Games Network are:

  • Build on existing practices to provide more opportunities for those currently not engaged in competitive sport, and provide an appropriate pathway for all young people to achieve their potential
  • Provide access to a range of alternative, modified and traditional competition formats helping schools offer new and exciting options to students
  • Maximise the impact of competitive school sport to develop student’s personal skills and contributing to school life
  • Offer opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills and express citizenship through volunteer roles such as officials and team managers
  • Complement other initiatives in the school which encourage a wide range of young people to participate in sport, such as Change4Life sports clubs
  • Through four levels of competitive sport, young people have the opportunity to get involved, have fun, challenge themselves and progress.

Other Sports Competitions
In addition to the School Games Network competitions we also have a thriving internal competition calendar through our house system. At the end of each half term we will be running a house tournament based around the sports we have focused upon that term.

Ley Top Primary School have formed close links with another sports cluster and are now taking part in numerous competitions organised and run at Zara Sports Centre. These tournaments are aimed at KS2 Girls and are designed to target girls’ participation in sport.

This year we will be looking to organise friendly competitions with other local schools covering all sports. Last year we linked up with a local girl’s community football team which offered our girls a pathway into out of school sport. We played a number of friendlies against them and we are hoping to continue this over the upcoming academic year.

After School Clubs
At Ley Top Primary School we offer a variety of After School Clubs to meet the different interests of the children.
Clubs run once a term for a 6 week block. This does not include some sport and choir clubs which take place throughout the year.

We are very proud of the wonderful choice of after-school club opportunities open to the children at Ley Top, run by a dedicated team of teachers. We hope there is something for everyone. The wide range of activities is all part of a core philosophical aim to broaden children’s learning and to value a breadth of achievement. Our aim is to help the children to find their personal strengths and a love of learning in all its forms. All clubs are free of charge. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, we try our hardest to ensure that all children who show an interest in clubs do get a place. When your child gets a place in a club it is important that they attend each week or their place will be offered to another child on the waiting list.

All clubs start at 3.00pm and finish at 4.00pm. All clubs are an extension of the school day, the School Rules should continue to be followed in club sessions.

Equality Targets
To ensure each after school club is open to both genders, accessible to SEND.
To organise 4 different disability inclusive sporting events for children with SEND throughout the year.


Every year our year 4 cohort participate in weekly swimming lessons.  On average our current Year 6's achieved 54% achieved their 25 metres swimming badge, in which 42%  achieved the National Curriculum badge

Sports Funding Grant Reports

Sports Premium Report 21-22

Sport Premium Report 20-21 

Sport Premium Report 19-20

Sport Premium Report 18-19

Sport Premium Report 16-17

Sport Premium Report 15-16