Ley Top

Learning Together Produces Success

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Mission statement

At Ley Top Primary School, we understand the importance of providing children with the opportunity to read and explore high quality texts. We ensure that our children are exposed to and are accessing a variety of literature from the moment they start with us, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We are determined to provide all of our children with the skills they need to become successful readers, we begin this process with high quality teaching of phonics.


  • To promote the importance and love of reading.
  • To develop our children’s technical knowledge and understanding of reading skills.
  • To encourage our children to ‘read like a writer’


Here at Ley Top Primary School we have a reading lesson every day. In these lessons, the children learn, practise and apply the relevant national curriculum reading skills for their year group. The teachers begin by choosing language rich, high quality texts to engage and interest their children. As the children work through the book, they focus on a variety of age appropriate reading skills in order to fully comprehend the meaning of the text and gain a depth of understanding. Our teachers ensure that lessons are appropriately differentiated to ensure that they are can be accessed and enjoyed by all learners. At Ley Top, we strive to ensure that reading is fun and interesting to continually develop our children’s love of reading.

In order to both support the development of our children’s reading skills and persistently promote the importance of the love of reading, we hold regular reading events across the year. We have recently introduced half termly book sales to ensure that our children have access to affordable, high quality texts; we take part in national events such as World Book Day and the Summer Reading Challenge and we hold our own additional reading competitions too.

Reading at home

To aid in the development of our children’s reading skills, as a school we ask that all of our children read at home at least three times every week.

This not only helps the child to become a successful reader, it also promotes the love of reading by the adults who are the most important to a child and shows how special it is to be able to share a book with a loved one. 

It has been proven that reading at home from an early age has many educational, psychological and social benefits. Visit https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/tips-and-advice/reading-tips/ for more information and support.

Below is a video sent to us by a Ley Top family who is promoting reading at their house.


Need some great children’s books to read?

During the current situation while our libraries our closed you can find lots of great reads from bestselling children’s authors available from our free E-book service

All you need is a library card.

If you need a library card you can join here:

Library Joining Form

Please direct any questions via christinea.donnelly@bradford.gov.uk Development Office for Children and Young People: Bradford Libraries