Ley Top

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Science Overview

Science's Mission Statement at Ley Top Primary School

At Ley Top Primary School, we understand the importance of Science and strive to maintain a high profile for the subject within our school. It is our mission to develop children’s enjoyment and interest in Science by offering them a Science curriculum which ignites their curiosity and enables them to explore and discover the world around them so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. To achieve this, we offer all children exciting, practical hands on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning.  Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help children to secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.  We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will explore the world around them. 

Our Science aims at Ley Top Primary School are;

At Ley Top we want our science to:

  • Be meaningful and ignite curiosity in our children
  • Create learners who are comfortable with science and excited by discovery
  • Provide opportunities for hands on learning, encouraging all children to be inquisitive, independent learners
  • Teach children the skills and knowledge that could be used in a future career
  • Develop our children’s ability to notice, observe, describe, compare, measure and explain
  • Encourage children to ask and answer scientific questions using correct scientific vocabulary
  • Allow children to plan and carry out fair scientific investigations, evaluate evidence and present conclusions clearly and accurately
  • Promote discussion so that children can communicate scientific ideas, arguments, their opinions and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways

Quality of Education in Science at Ley Top Primary School

Ley Top Primary School recognises the need for a high quality, fully inclusive provision through a broad and rich curriculum and we believe that Science at primary school should nurture curiosity and allow children to ask questions and develop the skills they need to answer those questions. 

Our desire to enthuse and inspire children to develop a lifelong love of science is reflected in our planning which involves teachers creating engaging lessons, often involving high-quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge.

Our Science lessons offer a broad range of experiences designed to engage and challenge our children, inspiring them to strive to become the scientists of the future. We create a positive attitude to science learning within our classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in Science. We find opportunities to develop children’s understanding of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning whenever possible.

Links to online resources;







Science Overview


curriculum 22 science overview.pdf