PSHE Overview
PSHE Mission Statement at Ley Top Primary School
At Ley Top our aim is to give all of our children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become confident, healthy and independent global citizens. We will ensure that all pupils learn to develop their confidence and feel positive about their own individual abilities. We will educate children about their rights and responsibilities both in school and the wider community. Ley Top pupils will value all individuals and show respect towards differing cultural beliefs and will be shown how to create and maintain positive relationships both in school, at home and online. We will encourage all children to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle.
Quality of Education in PSHE at Ley Top Primary School
Ley Top recognises the need for a high quality, fully inclusive provision through a broad and rich curriculum and we work hard to ensure that all our children achieve successful personal development during their time with us. Our PSHE lessons are well planned and comprehensive and are delivered effectively and consistently to all our pupils, ensuring that all children leave us at the end of Year 6 fully prepared for secondary school, their future careers and for life in a modern Britain.
PSHE Aims:
The aims of our health and wellbeing curriculum are as follows:- The school curriculum should aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve.
- Understand what makes for good relationships with others and show respect for others regardless of race, gender and mental and physical disability.
- Be independent and responsible members of the school community.
- Develop self confidence and self esteem and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
- Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.
- To create an environment which allows children to experience positive aspects of healthy living and an active lifestyle.
- To develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, abilities and attitudes necessary for their physical, emotional and social wellbeing.
Online links for home learning:
Medium Term Plans
mtp spring 2 overview updated.pptx